Wednesday, December 24, 2008

week1-7 1/2 habits

This is all so amazing and groovy for I am now an official blogger. Which lifelong learning habit was easiest for me? That would definitely have to be 7 1/2 because I love to play. I hope the neighbors weren't looking out their windows to see me hiding in their yard last month when I was playing sardines with my children late one night. The hardest habit is the confidence. Although I have come a long way and am even quite groovy I sometimes regress back to that shy person I was so long ago and question the work that I have done. Will my co-workers or peers like what I have accomplished as much a I do? Will they think it's stupid? When I think like this I put on my big black boots and boxing gloves and beat down the self-imposed put downs. Mentally of course.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmm, this is interesting - it just shows up as windingyness, but I can read it in bloglines. So maybe your shyness just took over and hid your posting by encrypting the letters??? Clever!
